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Mac Warner on the election conference in Canaan Valley Now Playing
Josh Pyle & Nick Fulmer on the pistol brace ban controversy Now Playing
Eric Tarr on the special session Now Playing
David Kelly on corrections bills Now Playing
Chris Hall on the push for a fee to help support fire and rescue operations in the state Now Playing
Jonathan Kott on Morning Consult poll on Joe Manchin Now Playing
Roger Hanshaw on the upcoming special session Now Playing
Gary Abernathy on the Trump indictment Now Playing
David Frercks on the Pinch Reunion Now Playing
Sean Hornbuckle on the possibility of becoming the next House Minority Leader Now Playing
Elgin McCardle on the Trump indictment Now Playing
Jon Elmore on Herd That's TBT Run Now Playing
Richard Hulme on Omnis Fuel Technologies' purchase of the Pleasants Power Station Now Playing
David Fryson on Multifest Now Playing
Danny Jones on Doug Skaff stepping down & the Trump indictment Now Playing
Doug Skaff on stepping down as House Minority Leader Now Playing
Charles Huff on the Marshall football offseason Now Playing
Sarah Armstrong Tucker & Drew Payne on Alderson Broaddus Now Playing
Jon Elmore on Herd That's TBT run Now Playing
Nick Rahall on Rahall Archives & political division Now Playing
Major General Bill Crane on members of the Guard leaving for the Texas border Now Playing
Sean Biser on preparations for the upcoming high school football season Now Playing
Ross Marra on becoming WVU Assistant AD of Digital Media Now Playing
Tony Caridi on Best Virginia vs. Herd That Now Playing